Prostate lycopene tomato.

How to protect your prostate Prostate disease is common all over the world, bringing with it some very unpleasant symptoms, yet there are many things we can do to avoid it.

Prosztata fájdalom Hogyan segítsen A férfiak prosztatitis hatékonyságának kezelése

With the help of our urologistPéter Csicsenkov M. Weight Having a healthy weight can help prevent a variety of illnesses, including prostate lycopene tomato disease, diabetes and certain forms of cancer.

Being overweight also increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. You can calculate your ideal weight in the following ways: BMI index: optimal value is between Eat fruit or vegetables at least five times a day Eat unprocessed food containing wholemeal cereal grains Eat plant-based proteins: legumes, soya-based foods, nuts Reduce your sugar intake: avoid fast food, sugary drinks and processed meat Reduce red meat consumption Make sure you get the right amount of calcium, but do not exceed the recommended daily amount Recommended amount: Aged mg Aged 70 and above: mg Avoid dietary supplements, prostate lycopene tomato they may contain a higher quantity of certain vitamins and minerals than your body needs Eat foods with a high lycopene and selenium content Great sources of lycopene:.

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